Saturday, November 19, 2011

Burberry Body

Burberry Body : New Fragrance for Women

            I love the smell of burberry perfume. Most of  the perfumes from this brand smell so sweet. Last time i used Burberry Summer and memang kene dengan jiwa la orang cakap. Bau dia memang lembut and macam nak lempang-lempang je =p. So, bila Burberry launch new fragrance for women, saya pun gatal-gatal la tangan minta sample through facebook.And last week  i`ve got the sample. Since that i just coming home , so baru tadi try bau perfume ni . And what i can say about this fragrance is the smell very traditional , so generic and boring . Macam sesuai untuk orang-orang tua pakai. Bau perfume ni tak funky and really not suitable untuk orang-orang yang macam saya yang suka bau manis-manis and fruity. But,the smell is not so bad actually. Kalau dah pakai lama-lama boleh tahan juga baunye. Soft and feel so release. If orang suka bau ala-ala tradisional boleh la try perfume ni and also can get the sample from: 


This is how the packaging looks like, Burberry BODY!

Till then, bye-bye and assalamualaikum =)


  1. taste kita sama.hehehe.try paris hilton.bau strong dan sweet.

  2. paris hilton.xpenah try ag ni..nak cari sample la nanti.hehehe
