Friday, November 18, 2011


 Fruiti-fruiti.Bukan tutti fruiti ok =p

Okeyh , dekat SP memang tak ada tutti fruiti lagi. So, lepas-lepas habis last paper semalam my housemate and i telah melepaskan tension exam di fruiti-fruiti. Lebey kurang macam tutti fruiti la kan. Tapi, dah dengar rumors gak cakap tutti fruiti will coming soon at Village Mall. Bile nye open tak tahulah la kan. Actually ingatkan nak makan coconut and honey dew flavors, but since both tak ada, so makan lah yougurt strawberry and blubbery. Nasib baik sedap ^^

Ni lah muka lepas dah habis exam. So , boleh rehatkan minda and otak for one and half month.
Ermmm..cuti-cuti ni nak buat ape ek?
Masak??Belajar Jahit??
Hello!Sangat-sangat perempuan okeyh >.<"

Till then, bye2 and assalamualaikum =)


  1. kat bpmall try pulak Say Yo frozen yogurt..
    amik vanilla flavour..sedap

  2. pic pky spek menampak kn keSKEMAan.... haha!

  3. anonymous: haha.need to wear it when nite comes.silau n rabun malam =)
