Eh2..tak tahu la plak aku ni sweet.Muahahaha! *o.k bley amik no kalau nak lempang aku* Alaa..kalau aku tak sweet tak adenye dpt award ni.Tol tak tol tak?Kan3? Teheeeee~ Actually my friend tag me to take this award ni. Dye g jerit kat shoutbox soh amik . Benda-benda macam nie actually pon boleh eratkan silaturrahim selain daripada contest. So meh2 kita eratkan silaturrahim antara blogger.Lagi ramai kawan lagi best even that`s only in the cyberspace!

aisehhh! apesal semua benda warna pink nie. Adakah aku akan jadi perempuan yang giler meroyan dengan warna pink? Owh tidak!
Tapi kalau dah amik award ni kene ade syarat plak:
- Jadi follower Nani (empunya award)
- Tampal award ni and don`t forget to leave a comment in her shoutbox!
- Must use this title "You Are Sweet Blogger Like SweetCandy" in your entry.
- Tag blogger lain.So i`ll tag any person who would like to take it.TQ~
hi awk.. thanks sudi tampal award i.. suke2.. awk mmg sweet mcm lolipop pink yg besar tu..
ReplyDeleteanyway salam ukhuwah dr nanie..
wc! =) nice to meet u ^_^