My entry title is 'i do love maths! ' . Yes, it is true. There is no reason for me to hate it. I started fall in love with this subject since primary school. Masa tu darjah 4 and i can still remember the name of teacher who taught me this subject. Her name was Puan Norazah. She was the best math teacher i ever have! Her humor sense is quite good ^_^

Basic maths is simply easy but not add maths. I love it too but i`m not too genius in solving all the mathematical questions that totally hard! T___T. When i was in secondary school my skills in maths improved a lot. Yelah.Time tu senang lagi. Nombor positif..nombor negatif..Algebra..Tambah..tolak..bahagi...darab...Kacang je semua ;) Susah lagi subject Bahasa Arab! Never get a chance to get high mark. Jangan mimpi!
My PMR`s result was good. When i got the result slip, the first subject i`m looking for was math! Yeah. Math! There was capital letter A on it. Big claps for myself! =) For other subjects i still can see A`s written on it but still have a few B`s. Tapi masih lagi bersyukur! =)
Disebabkan result yang macam itu, i was put in science stream class where there were lot of students who were totally brilliant! Habis aku. Nombor akhir la jawabnya.Treeeeettt~But i never give up. Manusia semua sama. Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih!
Because it was science stream class, add maths was one of the major subjects where all the students need to take it. No excuse! First time dengar add math dah takut. Am i brilliant enough to take this killers subject! Oh my. Totally not!
First examination i got A2 for add math. Bangga jap ;p . Tapi orang cakap hidup tak selalunya cerah.Kadang-kadang ada mendung jugak! Yup.That`s right. Guess what i got in the next exam?Actually i`m failed. I repeat again. FAILED and it was awesome! *___*
Give up? Oh, that`s not me. Because i do love maths, i went for a tuition class. And the class improved me a lot. Walaupun tak merasa A tapi at least lulus la jugak kan. Dapat D ke C ke aku peduli apa? Janji aku lulus. Haha. But basic maths still maintain A1. ;p
Bila masuk Form 5 lagi cuak.Waaa.SPM. Focus! Peperiksaan percubaan memang mencabar. Selalunya, periksa percubaan memang lagi susah daripada SPM sebenar and it was true. Susah giler bapak! Habis aku~
Bila cikgu masuk kelas nak bagi kertas jawapn periksa semua dah kecut perut. Especially kelas basic math! Giler memang garang cikgunya. She was really freaking me out! Nasib baik aku duduk belakang time kelas math. Tak la nampak ketar sangat. Masuk-masuk kelas je, muka cikgu tu dah masam macam cuka. O.K , harimau memang sangat-sangat lapar! I`m gonna dead in this class. At that time i`m feel like want to cover myself in the duvet then hide under the table so that she can`t find me. Hahaha! She called one by one to take the results. Semakin berdebar-debar and sudah tentu ramai yang terkena! Owh for the God sake, please save me.
Just imagined , my friend who just got 99 also was scolded by her apatah lagi aku kan?Oh man! What i`m gonna do? In a few minutes my name was called . Then i looked at my paper.Owch! 96.Not bad. Pheww. But then i feel a little strange why she did not hit and scold me as she did on the other students? Adakah aku murid kesayangan nya?? wueeekkk.please la.hahaha~
Rupa-rupanya, my member was scolded because she did not get 100 mark. 99 was really close to 100. Disebabkan ada satu soalan dia cuai she did not get full mark. Sebab tu dia kene pukul dengan cikgu aku! Aiseyyy~
O.K aku semakin menyukai math bila tengok keputusan periksa yang macam tue. But that was just my basic math.How about my add math result? My result for add math was D. Gred D bukan senang nak dapat weyh! Ramai yang menangis and merayu-rayu kat cikgu bagi gred at least D. So , sila bersyukur yer ^_^
SPM result? Thanks God. A1 for basic math and for add math just can get B4. Kononnya berangan nak dapat add math A1. Cettt~ Tak akan punya. Hanya mereka yang power je boleh mencapai itu tahap and i`m not one of them.

p/s: sila abaikan grammar mistake di atas yer.i`m still learing =) tQ
haha.. ayie like mathematics and now tgah ambik ismp matematik dekat UPSI .. tapi kebanyakan cikgu math memang garang loh .. incya-Allah ayie tak garang kot ..gehgeh .. tpy bg ayie add math is more interesting than basic math .. hoho opinion ayie sahaja ..
ReplyDeleteactually nak amik math jugak dulu-dulu mase nak mohon maktab. tp dah parents soh amik subject lain kan nak wat cam ne. add math memang sangat best! tp i`m not brilliant enough to score it. huhuhu.
ReplyDeletewaaahh...dasyat giler la tuh...
ReplyDeleteme? all i can says is I HATE MATH saja nak bgtau...hihihi
plus, i hate sejarah, prinsip akaun, ekonomi, +math and semua subjek yg kena kira&hafal...haha fail doeee otak kiri tak jalan..
cannot go siot subjek2 ni mmg killer... bg saye la...hehe
haha.killer yg best.ehehe ;p