Tuesday, June 1, 2010

balik lewat

okeyh, ni sebab nape ak balik lewat.
spatutnye last week ak patot dah cau balik joho..
tp ak pendamkan rse rindu ak pde si johor cz nk tgok perfomance classmates ak..
hahaha..ag pon ak kan dak bek gitu..huhuhu..

mgu ni actually de sambutan ari guru peringkat IPG..
smalam de senam aerobik n siyes tak best..bg ak la..xtau la bg dak2 len..
pergerakannye cume FLEKSI n EKSTENSI..cewahhh..kan ak dh gune bhse anatomi..

so dalam kebosanan tue, kite org amik kesempatan bergambaran..huhu

then second day, de pertandingan pakaian beragam n nasyid and boria and dikir barat..
of cz kelas ak masok pakaian beragam o.k
temanye adelah perbezaan guru-guru dulu2 n guru2 skarang..care pemakaian dorang yg ala2 60-an gitu..
so pe lagi..dak2 nie melaram la.. ^_^

p/s:dear friends , hopefully our friendship will be lasting forever.when there is difficult times hope we will go through it together.there`s no such things that can replace the memories that we have together in this past two years.love u friends ^^

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